

Display a summary of a text


This component displays a summary of the text you pass through the prompt prop. With the stream prop, you can set whether the result should be displayed as a stream or once in full when generated. loadingElement lets you pass in a component to display when the summary is loading.


You only pay once

In this component results for a specific text are cached by the Polyfire API, so you only pay the costs of the LLM generation once per unique text summarized.


  • prompt: A string that represents the text to be summarized.
  • stream: Optional boolean. If set to true, the component handles real-time data streaming.
  • loadingElement: Optional. A JSX element or string to be displayed while the summary is loading.
  • Extends all the props of a standard <div> element, allowing for custom styles and attributes to be applied.
interface TextSummaryProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
    prompt: string;
    stream?: boolean;
    loadingElement?: React.JSX.Element | string;
  • It otherwise extends all the props from the <div /> element.


  prompt="Your text to summarize goes here"
  loadingElement={<YourCustomLoadingSpinner />}
  // Additional props like className, style, etc.

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